"The only thing you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library."
Albert Einstein
In 2021 San Marino Public Library Foundation engaged in a partnership with the Pasadena Community Foundation (PCF). Leveraging the expertise of PCF, the Foundation established an endowment fund, which is professionally invested for the long term, benefiting from investment expertise and being part of a larger portfolio. This endowment fund allows the Foundation to receive current and legacy gifts to help provide for the future needs of the Crowell Public Library.
Why is a Library Endowment Important?
Stability: Endowment funds can provide ongoing income in support of the work of the library and provide a steady annual flow of financial support, which is essential to providing this community service. The principal of the endowment remains untouched while only the earned income from the endowment is used for projects and collection enhancements.
Legacy: The endowment fund provides a lasting legacy: For both the donor and for the San Marino Public Library Foundation, giving to an endowment is a gift that keeps on giving. Since an endowment gift is invested, it will extend the life of the donation and hopefully grow it as well. It also makes sure that the donor's money goes toward their values and priorities.
Long Term Support: The endowment fund furnishes a means for donors to provide assured
long-term support for the library. Endowment funds will not replace, but will supplement,
traditional income from local taxes, state and federal sources. The endowment offers individuals
an opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation, if applicable, to the library that will provide a perpetual source of income.
How Gifts Can Be Made to the Endowment
There are a variety of ways to give that provide you with maximum tax and financial benefits.
These include:
• A gift made in your will or trust;
• A gift that pays you income for life;
• A gift of life insurance or retirement plan assets.
• Gifts of property (such as stocks, bonds or land)
• Matching Gifts
• Gifts in Memory or in Honor of Friends or Relatives
• Corporate Gifts
• Gifts of cash
We hope you will participate in your library’s future. You may contact Cindy Chan, by calling 626-300-0777 x544 or emailing her at cchan@cityofsanmarino.org.